Revealing Dos and Don’ts with a Kredittkort for Firma

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When a company gives staff a credit card for job-related expenses, it can make day-to-day operations and business travel much more straightforward and the process easy and convenient. Still, much responsibility is attached to having a company credit card and ensuring the card is used as expected by the employer.

It is essential to become familiar with the function of firma or company credit cards and the business policy for using these. Often, when working with a small employer, some staff are added as authorized users to accounts, which is somewhat different from standard usage.

In this situation, an employee could receive an individual card instead of a business credit card.

In either situation, the business leader is entrusting staff members with credit connected to the company, making it necessary for the funds to be used properly. Let’s review how to handle the responsibility properly and some things to avoid when using the card.

Using A Company Credit Card Responsibly

Many business leaders entrust staff members with company credit cards to handle daily operations and pay for expenses while having working dinners with clients or traveling for business.

Employees are expected to become familiar with the policies on carrying a company card and learn to handle it responsibly. Visit to learn how to get the most out of your business credit cards. Then, follow along below for tips on adequately handling a business card and what you should avoid as a cardholder.

Become familiar with the company credit card policy

The company will have a distinct policy on how staff should use the company credit card. The card should only be used for business-related purposes. Most procedural guidelines will outline for staff what are allowable expenses, and which are considered prohibited charges.

Employees charging items not authorized by the business leader will be held responsible for those expenses. It’s wise to check with management when uncertain whether a charge is allowed. Some companies have “unwritten rules,” leaving employees without clarification on approved expenses.

In this case, it’s better to always check with a manager to get approval before making a charge than to later find out that the expense was not an authorized charge. Go here for guidance on using business credit cards.

Learn the spending limits

The company will usually set spending limits for different types of expenditures, such as working dinners with clients and accommodations when traveling for business. When these are a regular part of your duties, it’s essential to find out the stipulations so you can remain compliant.

Otherwise, you could be held responsible for differences in the charges when exceeding the purchase limits for those categories determined with the credit card issuer.

Save spending receipts

Always have documentation for your spending, including receipts. Most companies expect receipts from each purchase.

A good rule of thumb with paper receipts is to take a photo on your smartphone to have a digital copy to avoid losing them and keep an organized file of company-related expenditures.

Bring a backup

When on a business trip, always bring your own backup credit card for unexpected expenses that the company’s card won’t cover. You don’t want to be caught away from home with only the company card as your form of payment if you need something personal or have an emergency.

What Should You Avoid as a Company Cardholder

The company will have specific expenditures that are prohibited. It’s up to you to become aware of what those charges might be, even if you need to check with the manager each time you need to use the card to get permission for the expense. Let’s look at a few “don’ts.”

Avoid using the card until you understand what you can use it for

When you receive the company credit card, it’s wise to sit down with the manager to discuss how to use it and what expenses are allowed, particularly if there are no definitive policies on the topic.

Most companies have procedural guidelines, and many have an agreement that staff must sign when entrusted with a company card. When you’re unsure whether an expense falls under the guidelines, check the rules or go to management to clarify whether it’s permitted.

Avoid making major unauthorized purchases

Before making a major purchase, check with the manager to get permission in writing, even if no specific policy dictates the procedures. No manager wants an unexpectedly large bill they weren’t made aware of.

Before exceeding the spending limit, reach out to the business leader

When you see that you won’t be able to stick to the spending limit while out with a client on a working dinner or away on a business trip, reach out to your manager to explain the circumstances.

The business leader will be the one with the authority to either raise the limit without receiving penalties from the carrier or perhaps request that you apply some charges to your personal card to then submit for reimbursement.

Following the manager’s directions instead of following your own instincts will prevent you from being financially responsible for exceeding the spending limit.

Keep personal purchases off of the company credit card

The company credit card should not be used for personal expenses unless there’s a genuine emergency and no other option. Even in that scenario, you should always have a backup personal credit card for those purposes.

If you have to use the company card for personal reasons, it’s vital to contact the manager immediately to avoid a misunderstanding.

Final Thought

A company card is entrusted to staff to make daily operations, working client dinner meetings, and business travel convenient for the employee. As an employee, you want to become familiar with the policies and procedures outlined for company card use to ensure you remain compliant with its use.

The priority is to remain transparent and communicative when using the card, keep accurate records, and ask when unsure about a specific charge. This will prove that trust is not misplaced.